My name is Merel (Dutch for blackbird). Ever since I was young I have been interested in beauty and a healthy planet. At age 7 I decided that I wanted to be a vegetarian, I also put slices of cucumber on my face, polished my nails daily and went along to the beauty salon with my mom! Now, in 2018, I gained experience as a beautician, skin care specialist, weight counselor and gym instructor.

In 2015 I founded ReBird. Every day I put my heart and soul into in this company. Today ReBird is the place where we work on a HAPPY, HEALTHY & BEAUTIFUL YOU. We go beyond the surface. To achieve this we work together with the right people and join forces for a HAPPY, HEALTHY & BEAUTIFUL YOU.

Embrace our planet

Not only are we happy  when we see a HAPPY HEALTHY & BEAUTIFUL YOU but also when we see a HAPPY HEALTHY & BEAUTIFUL environment! That’s why we work as sustainable as possible.